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We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work here at Inner City Green Team. There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our organization and help to strengthen and expand our operations.

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What People Are Saying About ICGT

“There is a noticeable difference on the grounds, it’s so much cleaner. This program has to continue, it’s the best thing that has ever happened at Brownsville Houses. It is lightening the workload of the caretakers and frees them up to focus on other maintenance duties.”

“As someone who has difficulties bringing down recyclables, I find the service offered to be a life saver”

– Mr. Barley, Supervisor of Maintenance at Brownsville Houses

- Mr. Nogueras, Brownsville Houses Resident

“This pilot is important because even though we’re just recycling, we’re making the world a better place. Most plastics people use on a daily basis are recyclable, so if you get everybody used to recycling, it’ll become second nature, and we won’t have to worry about things being wasted.”

“Yes, the program is doing just fine. I’m hoping it will be here forever. It works well for me. I think most of the residents are enjoying it. Most of all, the young people have jobs.”

- Donnell Moses, Green City Force Collection Team

“I feel like we’re actually making a difference and it helps provide jobs as well. If we could get this in all of NYCHA’s buildings, that would be my dream.”

- Loris Green, Brownsville Houses Resident

"Inner City Green Team has done more for recycling in NYC than the entire Administration"

- Lisa Kelly, Green City Force Collection Team

- NYC Council Member & Sanitation Committee Chair Antonio Reynoso

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